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B.Y Huh 1 Article
An epidemiologic study of cerebrovascular diseases through stroke registry and case-control study on risk factors in semi-urban and rural communities of about 210,000 population, Korea (I)
Joung Soon Kim, M.H Chung, H.S Yoon, I.S Chun, I.S. Lee, B.Y Huh
Korean J Epidemiol. 1983;5(1):55-66.
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This study was carried out in a semi-urban town, Chun-cheon City and a rural area, Chunseong County from November 1982 in order to understand natural history of cerebrovascular diseases and to identify risk factors of the disease occurring in the community. This is the intermediate report on the result obtained for one year period. During the period 205 patients were registered through adminstrative(Ban) and hospital channels. Among those 98 cases have occurred within one year from the time when the research started. These cases were throughly studied by interview, medical examination with chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, blood chemistry, and measurement of height and weight. Each case was matched with one’s neighbour of the same sex and ±3 years of age. These controls were also studied exactly the same as the cases. All the measurements were compared in patient-control pairs by Mc-Nemar’s marginal test. A cross-sectional study was also carried out on one township of the rural community which was followed by a case-control study of hypertension on risk factors; this cross-sectional study was intended to make base-line survey to get ready for a small scale cohort study on the risk factors of cerebrovascular diseases, to estimate registration rate of the cerebrovascular patients, and to differentiate the risk factors of cerebrovascular disease from the risk factors of cerebrovascular disease from the risk factors of hypertension. The matched cerebrovascular patient-control group was 58 pairs and hypertension patient-control group was 98 pairs for the analysis. Despite the small number examined, several factors showed statistically significant association; hypertention, mental stress, duration of cigarette smoking, left ventricular hypertrophy with cerebrovascular disease, hypertension being the most strongly associated. The most of the risk factors of cerebrovascular disease such as mental stress, left ventricular hypertrophy and family history also showed association with hypertension. However, over-weight and high serum triglycerides showed association with only hypertension, and the duration of cigarette smoking with only cerebrovascular disease. Thus the study result strongly suggests that the single most important risk factor of cerebrovascular disease is hypertension, and other factors that showed association with the cerebrovascular disease have operated indirectly through hypertension. A definite conclusion may be derived when the study is completed on the subject. This study was supported by China Medical Board and World Health Organization grant.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health