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Bong Yul Huh 1 Article
A study on hepatitis B virus markers and formation of anti-HBs after hepatitis B vaccination in healthy Korean population
Young Sik Kim, Joung Soon Kim, Bong Yul Huh
Korean J Epidemiol. 1985;7(1):8-15.
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The positive rate of Hepatits B Virus markers and Anti-HBs formation after Hepatitis B-Vaccination were studied by RPHA or RIA technique in 1,015 (male 502, female 513) healthy Koreans, from May 1983 to April 1985 at the Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital. And the following results were obtained; 1) The HBsAg was detected in 92 among 1,015 with positive rate of 9.0%. The positive rate of HBsAg was higher in male (11.8%) than in female (6.4%) 2) The positive rate of Anti-HBs was 27.7% (289/1,015) and difference between sexes was insignificant. 3) The positive rate of one or more markers among HBsAg, Anti-HBc, Anti-HBs was 57.6% (345/599). 4) The positive rate of HBeAg among HBsAg positives was 47.6% (20/42). 5) Elevated SGOT(>25 IU/L) or SGPT (>29 IU/l) was significantly higher in HBsAg positives (15.2%) than that of Anti-HBs positives (3.9%) and both negatives (2.6%). 6) The Anti-HBs became positive in 72.9% (70/96) of the vaccinated group and 7.7% (2/26) of the unvaccinated control group according to the 21-raonth follow-up test. 7) After 7.9 months follow up, the positive rate of HBsAg among initial HBsAg positives was 89.2% (33/37), and two cases of HBsAg positives developed acute viral hepatitis and improved, and the other two cases were revealed chronic hepatitis clinically.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health