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Han Kee Hong 1 Article
Ecological studies on the vector of Japanese encephalitis Culex tritaeniorhynchus in Korea
Han Kee Hong
Korean J Epidemiol. 1983;5(1):29-40.
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Ecological studies on JE vector species, C. tritaeniorhynchus, have been carried out at the seven provincial localities for the purpose of monitoring the JE vector mosquitoes from the year of 1980 to 1983. Data on bionomics of the species obtained by author's previous publications are included and reviewed in this paper. The abstracts are given as follows: 1. Culex tritaeniorhynchus showed the first appearance during the mosquito season from the third week of May to third week of October with the highest peak of the population density in Busan city where is the one of seven study areas for monitoring the JE vector population in 1983. The date of first appearance and the peak of the population density of the species at each study area was on the day of one to two weeks after the Busan city shifting toward the northern study areas: Kwangju city, Wanju gun, Daejeon city and Koyang gun respectively. 2. The proportional densities of C. tritaeniorhynchus has been developed consisting of large proportion as a predominant species among the collected species progressing the month of the year, representing 4.7% in June, 34.5% in July, 84.4% in August and 88.0% in September. 3. Parous rate of the female mosquitoes of C. tritaeniorhynchus was estimated as 68.8% in August and no particular age group in physiological age has been collected at certain time period. 4. C. tritaeniorhynchus showed very aggressive biting activities with highest biting peak within two hours after the sundown and another small peak at 06:00 hours in the morning. In the experimental study, 85% of C. tritaeniorhynchus have been escaped to outside the animal shed after blood fed. 5. The main breeding places of C. tritaeniorhynchus were paddy field, parsley field, pond, marsh area and so on. 6. A dispersal experiment on C. tritaeniorhynchus females by a mark-release-recapture method have been obtained resulting the recapture rate of 0.519%, 0.00208 recovery rate, dispersal rates as 77.5% in 0~2 km, 11.7% in 4~6 km, and 5.8% in 6~8 km. The mosquitoes flew 7.5 km in one day and 1.55 km in average of daily mean distances. 7. JE virus were isolated from the infected female of C. tritaeniorhynchus from middle of July to early part of September and the infection rates were given with the highest in August ranging by 0.06%~0.92% in 1982 and 0.1%~0.66% in 1983. 8. The first JE case occurence in the years of 1982 and 1983 were followed, 10~14 days later under the condition obtained that 500 mosquitoes had been collected at a black light trap per night, and after the first isolation of JE virus from infected C. tritaeniorhynchus mosquitoes.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health