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Jae Woong Hong 1 Article
An analytic review on the trends of cesarean section among hospital deliveries in Korea
Kyoo jean Lee, Jae Woong Hong
Korean J Epidemiol. 1986;8(1):96-114.
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This study reviews 34 studies on the Cesarean sections among hospital deliveries published after 1960 in Korea. Some of them were insufficient to describe the basis of rates calculated. These are supplemented by the informations gathered from the registry of maternity patients and annual reports of each hospital. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The rates of Cesarean section among hospital deliveries were rapidly increasing since 1970’s in all of the hospitals involved. Those reached over 30% at several hospitals in 1980’s. Higher rates were seen among deliveries at large size hospitals and university hospitals. The variations of these-rates would be explained by the characteristics of mothers who selected the specific hospital for their delivery. But most of the studies reviewed are lacking in such kinds of information. 2) The cause-specific rates of Cesarean section among hospital deliveries were high in cephalopelvic disproportion, previous section, and malpresentations in this order. 3) The risks of death of mother or newborn infant after delivery by Cesarean section were significantly declined during recent twenty years. These might be due to the improvement of technology of operation and of treatment, and universality of Cesarean section. 4) The frequent complications of Cesarean section were unknown fever, wound and urinary infections etc. The incidence of these complications were varied with hemoglobin level at admission, type of section, time gap between ruptured membrane and operation, and duration of labor.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health