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Jong Surk Hahn 1 Article
A Seroepidemiologic Study on Rubella Antibody Positivity: Primary School Students in Gyenggi-Do.
Bo Youl Choi, Hung Bae Park, Young Jeon Shin, Bae Joong Yoon, Jong Surk Hahn
Korean J Epidemiol. 1995;17(2):156-166.
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The purpose of this seroepidmiologic study was to examine the immunization and infection history of rubella, positivity of rubella specific antibody, seroconversion rate of two rubella vaccines and to develop an adequate immunization program of rubella. Research Methods : Subjects of the study were 2.071 students of 8 priamary schools in Gyenggi-Do. Questionnaire and blood sampling were done. Test method of Rubella specific antibody was ELISA (Abbott IMx autoanalyzer). The anayltic methods for the study were chi-square-test, t-test and ANOVA.
The results of the study were as follows : (1)The number of subjects who had infection history of rubella were only 28 students(1.5%). (2)The immunization rate of rubella was the highest in 6 year-old group(65%), it decrease as subjects grow older. (3)The positivity of rubella antibody was 76. 6%, it is the highest in 6 year old group and the lowest in 7 year-old group and it increase again as subjects grow older. (4)Average antibody titer was 53.3 IU(SD 79.2), the trend of antibody titer by age was similar to that of positivity. (5)The seroconversion rates of both vaccines, vaccine A,vaccine B, were 99.5% and 99.6%, the ratio of increase of antibody titer after immunization was higer than 400. it means that both vaccines are very efficacious.
Results of the study suggest that it is necessary to increase the coverage of rubella immunization, and further studies are necessary to get more information for rubella.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health