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Joo Hee Han 1 Article
A Study on the Relationship Between Smoking Habits and BMI of Adult Males.
Joo Hee Han, Myung Kim, Dae Hyu Oh, Hee Choul Ohrr
Korean J Epidemiol. 1998;20(1):39-50.
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Smoking, obesity and diet are just a few of the multifactors which have been suggested to be associated with the risk of CHD. It is a common phenomenon that persons who stop smokin gain weight. This fear of gaining weight is often given as a reason for giving up to quit smoking. The purpose of this study is to find the effects of cessation of smoking on body weight and the difference of BMI distribution according to smoking habits. The subjects of this study were 72 techinical high school teachers in Seoul and Kyounggi-Do, 85 offical wokers of the S-Company and 81 auto industrial workers in PyoungTaek. The investigation for this study has been conducted from Oct. 27th to Oct. 31st 1997. The method was self-feported questionnaire survey which consists of general characterisics, smoking habits and its relevant questions. The questionnaires were revised after two-times of pre-tests, carried out for twenty subjects. The results are as follows ; 1. Smoking habits have significant relations with diet, exercise, drinking and the amount of daily smoking. 2. BMI among different smoking habits groups showed significant differences in following variables ; age, the interaction between exercise and smoking habits, drinking level, the interaction etween drinking level and smoking habits and the interaction between total smoking duration and smoking gabits. 3. The mean values of BMI are 23.5 in non-smoker, 23.8 in ex-smoker and 23.4 in current smoker. There are no statistically significant differencs among amoking habits. 4. The average of 2.14kg weight gain is witnessed after 6 months of the cessation of smoking. Current weight was high by 3.89kh in average compared to the pre-cessation weight(p=0.0001). 5. The odds ratio for gaining weight among ex-smokers is 8.94 in "increase or very increase" group in diet compared to those of "no change". 6. The multiple regression analysis has a significant model in current smoker(p=0.001). The mean BMI of those who were "very active" in exercise is higher than that of "inactive" or "active". The mean BMI of those who were "light or moderate ot heavy drinker" is lower than that of "non-drinker". The mean BMI of those who have the monthly income 1.5millions-1.99millions won is significantly higher than those having less than 1.5millions or more than 2.0millions won. The implication of this study could suggest that health education for smoking cessation needs new approches to minimize weight gain.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health