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Joong Surk Hahn 1 Article
A study on the positive rate of rubella antibody and the sero-conversion rate after rubella vaccination.
Young Jeon Choi, Hung Bae Park, Young Jeon Shin, Bae Joong Yoon, Joong Surk Hahn
Korean J Epidemiol. ;15(2):173-184.
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Rubella is a viral disease in childhood. Its clinical manifestations are nonspecific and not serious. Rubella was not interested until Gregg noted that rubella infection in early pregnancy could lead to a congenital cataract, in 1941. Gregg's report gave the impetus of many investigations. They proved that rubella lead to various congenital defects, such as, heart defect, deafness, mental retardation, etc.. It was called ‘Congenital rubella syndrome’. Live-attenuated rubella vaccines were developed and licensed in United State and United Kingdom in 1969. However, nationwide vaccination pregram in Korea did not begin until the early 1980s. This study was carried out 1) to obtain positive rate of rubella antibody among female students who were target population of British type vaccination program, 2) to estimate sero-conversion rate after rubella vaccination. Study population was 1st grade students(1,190persons) of 9 girls' high schools in Gyenggi-Do, and they were not target population of MMR (mealses, mumps, rubella) vaccination program, The rubella antibody, Im-munoglobulin G, was measured by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; Robzyme®, Abott) The results were summarized as follows 1. Positive rate among 1,008 female, students who didn't have past history of rubella vaccination was 83.1% (838/1,008) and there were no significant differences according to age, residential area (rural area/city area/mixed area) and socioeconomic status (p>0.05). 2. Vaccinations were applied to 171 sero-negative students in initial antibody test. In second test, sero-conversion rate was 94.7% (162/171). Second vaccination and 3rd sero-logic test were given to 9 students, who were negative in the second test after 1st vaccination. Among them, only 4 students (44.4%) got immunity, and their Rubazyme indicies as a indicator of antibody titer were lower than that of students antibodies were converted to positive after 1st vaccination. 3. Among 172 vaccinees, 17 persons (9.9%) were suffered from mild and transient side effects. These results suggested that the British type vaccination program be required in girls aged 10-14 years who didn't take MMR. Effectiveness of vaccine used in this study was confirmed because of it’s high sero-conversion rate and minimal side effects.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health