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Sung Hyun Han 1 Article
Case-control study on some risk factors and status of disease control of hypertension in rural community
Sung Hyun Han, Yang Ho Kim, Sung Soo Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 1986;8(1):23-36.
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The main objectives of this study were to find the important risk factors of hypertension in rural area, to establish the criteria of diagnosis of hypertension at public health care level, and to develop proper educational materials for its prevention and care by community health workers. This study is a part of Eumseong Community Health Project supportes by GTZ(West German Government) and the government of Republic of Korea. 330 perceived cases of hypertension were first screened by health interview and examinations, and 146 cases were diagnosed as a hypertension group. For comparison, 176 cases were as signed as a control group. Therefore, a total of 322 cases were selected for this study. The results of this study can be summarized as fellows; 1) The significant influencing risk factors to the hypertension was genetic factors, amount of salt intake, degree of obesity, level of serum cholesterol and urine protein, and the findings of EKG. The logit regression analysis indicated that among these risk factors, the first in explaining of value was the findings of EKG(1.21) and the next, amount of salt intake (0.58) serum cholesterol level (0.48), genetic factors (0.32). 2) For treatment of hypertension, it was found that only 23.6% of them visited clinic or hospital once or more and 39.3% used drug store, herb-medicine and other indegeneous methods. But 47.1 % of them were “never treated” for hypertension 3) In care of patients by family members, only 22.9% of the patients have been cared by family members (spouse and/or child) but the lest of them said they were neglected to care by their family members. The results of this study revealed that the hypertension patients and their family members did not consider hypertension as a serious problem and made little efforts to receive proper care. Also, no public health program of this chronic disease have yet provided. Based on this findings in rural Korea, the authors urged that it is urgently needed to formulate the hypertention control and care program for its prevention and early case findings.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health