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Yun Chul Hong 4 Articles
Hebei Spirit oil spill exposure and acute neuropsychiatric effects on residents participating in clean-up work.
Jin Hee Eum, Hae Kwan Cheong, Mina Ha, Ho Jang Kwon, Eun Hee Ha, Yun Chul Hong, Ye Yong Choi, Woo Chul Jeong, Jong Il Hur, Seungmin Lee, Eun Jung Kim, Eun Hee Lee, So Young Lee Ahn, Jong Hun Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(2):239-251.   Published online December 31, 2008
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Hebei Spirit oil spill accident has brought about the worst coastal oil contamination in Korean history. Following the accident, residents and volunteers, number exceeding a million from nationwide, were exposed to chemicals from the crude oil itself and dispersants, including volatility organic compounds (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heavy metals through the clean-up works over months. This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of clean-up work on the peripheral nerve function and psychologic status of the residents after a prolonged exposure to clean-up work after the oil spill exposure.
We performed a study on the residents of Jango-do Island, Chungnam, on 5 and 12 January 2008, six to eight weeks after the accident. A questionnaire on general characteristics, Korean Beck Depression Inventory (K-BDI), color vision test (Lanthony desaturated D-15 test), and vibration perception threshold test were done. Among 210 residents with 30 years or older, 63 (30%) finished questionnaires and completed at least one among K-BDI, color vision test, or vibration perception threshold test. Descriptive statistics was done on the residents.
The residents participated in clean-up work for average 20 days, max 30 days, during 6 weeks following the accident. Average work hours were 7.4 hours per day, max 10 hours. On K-BDI, 21 (33.3%) had a severe depressive state. Mean color confusion index was 1.29 in the right and 1.20 in the left. Mean vibration perception threshold was 3.69 VU (right) and 3.55 VU (left), respectively.
AND CONCLUSIONS: Compared to literature report, the residents had higher depression scale. Color vision threshold was not higher compared to general population near an industrial complex. Vibration perception threshold was significantly higher than the residents of similar age living near an abandoned mine in southern coastal area only in the age group of forties. These suggests there is some evidence of neuropsychiatric effect related to oil cleaning work and a mid- and long-term study of the oil exposure health effects with continuous monitoring should be done for the exposed residents in the affected area.


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Long-term prediction of gastric cancer mortality in Korea.
Jin Gwack, Yunhee Choi, Hai Rim Shin, Yun Chul Hong, Keun Young Yoo
Korean J Epidemiol. 2005;27(1):163-172.
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This study was carried out to predict the mortality rate for gastric cancer up to 2020 in Korea with forecasting model.
The trends of the age-adjusted mortality rate was calculated from 1983 to 2003 using the mortality data of the past 20 years in Korea, and projected up to the year of 2020 with log-linear models for each gender. The number of deaths from gastric cancer was calculated from the predicted mortality rate.
Age-adjusted mortality rates for gastric cancer per 100,000 persons were 32.13 in 1983, 23.95 in 1990, and 15.99 in 2003 for women, and 70.37, 58.74, 41.04 for men, respectively. The expected age-adjusted mortality rates for gastric cancer were 16.50 in 2005, 14.27 in 2010, and 10.66 in 2020 for women, and 39.14, 33.83, 25.28 for men, respectively. In contrast to this decreasing trend, it is predicted that mortality rates for those aged 75 or over would increase steadily. The predicted number of deaths from gastric cancer was 6,519 for women and 13,743 for men in 2020.
This study suggests that gastric cancer mortality rate would decrease continuously except for some aged groups. The declining trends in gastric cancer mortality are regarded as a result of lifestyle changes, improvements in screening methods and treatments. Strategies for aged groups should be developed in order to control increasing mortality rates.
Mortality Trends in Colorectal Cancer and Breast Cancer in Korea: Birth Cohort Effects?.
Jae Kwan Jun, Yeon Ju Kim, Jin Gwack, Yunhee Choi, Yun Chul Hong, Keun Young Yoo
Korean J Epidemiol. 2005;27(1):154-162.
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Cancer has been the leading cause of deaths since 1980s in Korea. Among them, colorectal cancer and breast cancer shows steadily increasing pattern, being the fourth and the fifth common site of cancer death in Korea, respectively. This analysis aimed to evaluate potential contribution of birth cohort effects to the recent increases in mortality of colorectal cancer and breast cancer since 1983 in Korea.
Mortality statistics on deaths of both cancers for the past 20 years of 1983~2002 were obtained from the National Statistical Office. The age-standardized mortality rates were calculated based on the census population of 1992 as a standard.
Age-standardized mortality rate for colorectal cancer increased 4.7-fold in men and 3.6-fold in women, whereas 2.1-fold increase in breast cancer mortality during 1983~2002. Age-specific mortality rates for colorectal cancer were steadily increasing by age before 1991 in both genders. However, the mortality rates showed an exponentially increasing pattern for the age group of 70 and over during 1993~2001, which was more prominent in female. The birth cohort curves showed that there were 2- to 3-fold increases in the mortality rates of people who were born in 1931 for colorectal cancer compared to those of people who were born in 1921. Differences in mortality for breast cancer by birth cohort were 1.7-fold among age group of 45~49 and 50~54 between 1936 and 1946.
This analysis suggests that recent increases in mortality of colorectal cancer and breast cancer could potentially be due to birth cohort effects, i.e. rapid changes in life-style in younger generation. The quantitative approach using age-period-cohort model should be pursued.
An Epidemiologic Study on the Health Hazards of Inhabitants chronically exposed to Glass Fiber.
Hyun Sul Lim, Yun Chul Hong, Jung Ran Kim, Hae Kwan Cheong, Ji Yong Kim, Nam Won Paik, Hoe Kyeong Cheong, Chong Han Lem
Korean J Epidemiol. 1995;17(1):76-93.
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Fiberglass, as a substitute of asbestos, is used for more than 60 years as a insulator material. Health hazards including irritation of skin, mucosa and respiratory system associated with use of fiberglass is reported. Many studies on the fibrogenicity and carcinogenicity of fiberglass was conducted but evidence is not sufficient to confirm the carcinogenicity or fibrogenicity. Authors studied the health hazards among 152 inhabitants(71 men and 81 women) from 32 households living around the fiberglass factory which produced the fiberglass insulators and glasswool panels for 20 years. Questionnaire survey on household and persons, examination of underground water, pathologic examination of subcutaneous tumors and examination of fiberglass in tumor tissues were done. The results are as follows; 1. Fiberglass concentration of underground water sampled from 33 households in the study area was 13. 7-95. 9 fiber/cc with the diameter to length ratio more than 1:20. 2. Prevalence of dermatosis among study subjects was 23.0 % (35 cases). Prevalence was not associated with the distance from the factory nor duration of exposure. 3. There were 15 cases of subcutaneous tumor with prevalence of 9. 9 %. Age of subcutaneous tumor cases was all above 30 year-old except one cases, who was 5 year old child, who lived in the surveyed area since he was born. Prevalence of subcutaneous tumor was significantly high in area A(42.9 %) than area B(4.6 %, p<0.01). Prevalence of subcutaneous tumor was higher in long-term exposed inhabitants, but was not statistically significant. 4. Pathologic examination exhibits partly encapsulated fat tissue masses and cut surfaces were pale yellow with gritty sensation. The masses consist of mature fat cells showing variation in size and shape. On polarizing microscope, the peripheries of tumors include small irregular threads of doubly refractile material probably represent glass fibers in fibrocollagenous tissue. Concentration of fiberglass in tissue was 5.1-10.2 fiber/rag wet tissue in case 1, 25.8-184.9 fiber/mg wet tissue in case 2 and 40.8-126.5 fiber/mg wet tissue in case 3. Length of fiberglass was shorter than that in underground water. 5. Cases of malignant tumor among inhabitants since last 10 years were 4, 3 of whom was developed in a same household just near the factory. Diagnoses of malignancy cases were stomach cancer, stomach and esophageal cancer, oral cavity cancer, and stomach cancer with liver metastasis. On review examination of tissues of endoscopic biopsy specimen from a case of stomach cancer, there was adenocarcinoma with no evidence of fiberglass materials. Authors concluded there is evidences that fiberglass was strongly associated with the development of the health hazards including dermatosis and benign subcutaneous tumor. However, the association of fiberglass exposure with the development of malignant tumor was not clear, although strongly suggested. For the prevention of development of further health hazards, it is recommended that under ground water source should be closed and further experimental study to confirm the mechanism of the tumorigenesis and follow up survey on the inhabitants should be conducted.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health